Our NLP Graduates

What we are most proud of is our graduate’s success. When Justin started this business he intended to inspire the world to be a better place, one person at a time.

But, very quickly the gravity of making a difference on his own was overwhelming. In order to make a difference, he decided to give all of his knowledge away so that others can join the mission to improve the mental health of Australians.

These are the success stories of our graduates.

Graduates who chose NLP for Personal Development

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Bec Smith

Simply inspirational lady who shares her journey with Trauma and how NLP impacted her journey to recovery.

Brock McCormack

Sharing his story of gambling addiction to being free and wanting to help others so the same!

Graduates who chose NLP for Coaching and helping others

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H Widdup

H is using NLP and coaching to improve the people around her, her role, the staff and the tier 1 business he works for.

Kerry Bull

Changed her own life so much she decided to become a coach and help others do the same. Heartwarming story.

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Brooke Jarvis

NLP Master Practitioner

I recommend this course 100%. As someone that has struggled with mental health since a young girl and seen phycologists and psychiatrists since high school, this course taught me the tools to help myself, my family and my friends on how to cope

I can’t express enough how much better I feel after NLP and timeline! I felt like a different person instantly after releasing all the negative emotion! I can’t wait to start using these techniques on my future clients

Tania Taranto

NLP Practitioner

At times I have suffered anxiety myself and have tried different means to help but the knowledge and skills that NLP taught me have been the most helpful of all! Working on my limiting beliefs and negative self talk using reframing techniques amongst other NLP tools has been so helpful in helping me and my family!

Danae Cornford

NLP Practitioner

Anxiety is something I thought was a part of who I was, something that I had inherited and couldn’t ever be completely free from. Now when I find myself in moments that used to cause severe anxiety, I find myself using techniques taught in NLP like reframing and simple mindset shifting tools that defuse and redirect the energy around the anxiety to a place of action instead of stuckness.

Pippa Smith

Diploma of Hypnosis & NLP

The most profound results for me have been with my daughter. She's a very talented athlete but had such massive performance anxiety around her favourite sport that she would cause herself to faint. It got so bad at one point that she was actually hospitalised. Thanks to the professional help she received with NLP she's gone from strength to strength in all areas of her life, not just sports performance.

Robbie and Reallyn Simpson

NLP Practitioner

Inspired Results and the NLP tools we got saved our marriage. NLP techniques which also help us to address any issues as they pop up on a day to day basis. The NLP tools we have learnt are truly invaluable and have changed both of our lives for the better 😍

Cassie Fry

NLP Master Practitioner

I don’t live in my head anymore dreading the thought of my next bout of anxiety and the change in myself has not only had an impact on myself, but my family as well as I’m not so on edge and taking it out on them. Thank you Inspired Results for your commitment to improving the lives of those that are suffering with mental health and showing me how with consistent work and commitment to myself can make a whole lot of difference.

Rachel Lucas Russell

Diploma of Hypnosis & NLP

Having worked with you Inspired as a client, I have seen first hand the massive positive impact you have had and continue to have.

If anyone out there is reading this comment and is at the very least curious, and at the very most, in dire need of some support, I can HIGHLY recommend this course as a pathway to your wellness.

Heather Yoeman

NLP Master Practitioner

As a health professional of over 20 years there is a definite missing piece in the puzzle of our approach to this complex area of health and I am thankful for the highly effective tools you are developing that are assisting so many people. NLP was the missing piece forme and my clients.